Friday 25 November 2011

flying in car!

Posted by lowlow lollipop at 01:41 0 comments

MUKAH !! Here I come !

Yeahh ! we  went to Mukah today, my aunt, my dad and of course this pretty princess >myself<.. we went there by car.. My aunt’s car. My aunt always remind us about wearing the seatbelt, ahaha * I don’t really care about it.


the car suddenly stop and I flying forward ! Everyone give me a big laugh now, HAISSHHHH..this is what happen when not wearing the seatbelt ! Well hopefully you'd be wearing your seat belt because that would be the outside force. The seatbelt stops you from flying through the windshield. If not, then the windshield is the outside force slowing you down. That's the most obvious one. Hmm, I think got something about PHYSICS in this situation. MR RAFIE always mention about this situation and it is related with… INERTIA ! yeahh, finally I remember..haha * I took a long time for trying remember what MR RAFIE taught in class. The meaning of inertia is that when an object is in motion its resistance wants to stay in motion and when an object is in rest it stays in rest. So, the situation that happen on me just now is one example of inertia. I’m sitting in the car without wearing the seatbelt, and suddenly the car stop and it make me fly forward..luckily I’m not flying to HOSPITAL MUKAH..hehe

Wednesday 23 November 2011

unlucky day !

Posted by lowlow lollipop at 03:10 0 comments

Getting out of bed in the morning. As in: the reason it's so hard to.
"A body at rest tends to stay at rest."

Wahhhh … Good mOrning everyone ! lOOk !, I’ve my first PHYSICS theory up there =.=”

I start my day with my SWEET smile that could make the MOUNT EVEREST melt.Haha ..silly jokes * hey, laughing is the best medicine for our daily life, it also related with PHYSICS !Don’t you know that ? It is because when you smile/laughing  your muscle face also moves and involuntaryn it was an EXERCISE for your face.. so, better smile next time J J because it is PHYSICS ! * I don’t really know actually..hehe

On my way to bathroom…

Lalalalalalalalala *singing happily-walking to bathroom- ahhhhhh !!! uwaaa, so unlucky ! I was slippering, the floor was very slippery.. LL  Damn ! It was very hurt.. Ya, I remember something what I taught in PHYSICS class. It was because of FRICTION ! hey, what is FRICTION  actually ? hmm, Friction is the "evil" of all motion. No matter which direction something moves in, friction pulls it the other way. Move something left, friction pulls right. Move something up, friction pulls down. It appears as if nature has given us friction to stop us from moving anything. Friction is actually a force that appears whenever two things rub against each other.  

So, what I understand here..i’m slippering because the friction force decrease ! And the gravitional force increase because centre gravity become  down/decrease. I only remember a little, not all.. I should be more concentrate in class next year J haiya ! because of FRICTION my leg in pain now. But friction is not all bad. In fact, it has a lot to do with life as we know it here on Earth. Without it, we wouldn't be able to walk, sit in a chair, climb stairs, or use a mouse to surf the web. Everything would just keep slipping and falling all over the place.  *wow, terrible english !

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